By signing up for E-Send you will receive your property tax bill in a PDF format to the email address of your choice at least 3 weeks in advance of the first instalment due date.
Terms and Conditions: By signing up for E-Send you will receive your property tax bill in a PDF format to the email address of your choice at least 3 weeks in advance of the first instalment due date. You will no longer receive a paper copy of your bill. The bill is considered delivered as long as the e-Bill is not returned as an undeliverable email. It is your understanding that by signing up for E-Send it does not negate the established billing and collection policies established by the Corporation of the Township of South-West Oxford. Participation in the program will be cancelled if your e-Bill is returned as undeliverable. Please note, it is the responsibility of the property owner to inform the Township of any email address changes and/or termination of this billing delivery method in writing. Please note that by taking advantage of this billing delivery option, your billing cycle, due dates and payment methods remain the same. By signing below, you accept the term and conditions stated above.
I acknowledge and would like to sign up for E-Send, electronic billing of my Property Tax account.
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